![City of Glass (Mortal Instruments, #3)](http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1216854551m/3777732.jpg)
My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
The thing about certain sci-fi fantasy books is that when I get hooked, I tend to swallow the hook, the line, and the sinker. Books like Harry Potter, the Eight and Twilight have cost me countless hours of sleep, but it does not matter how much I suffer the next day, when it comes to books like these, I willingly give up the sleep everytime.
Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series is the most recent set of books to capture my attention in such a way. I started the first book, City of Bones on Saturday, and that night I only got four hours of sleep because I just had to get all the way to the end. Sunday was supposed to have been spent working on my craft projects, but I could not put down City of Ashes. I knew better than to open City of Glass, but I just could not help myself that same Sunday. So, on a work night, I got three hours of sleep after only getting four the night before.
Work was not fun, and my brain was mush, but it was worth it. It is hard to believe, but I love the Mortal Instruments series almost as much as I love the Twilight Saga. Besides the lack of sleep, there is also a lack of hunger; and that is how I know I am in trouble. Lucky for my sleeping and eating patterns, the trilogy ended with City of Glass; but just like with Twilight I wish I could have more time with the main characters, Clary and Jace.
Clary is a human girl who discovers one night that she can see things that other people cannot, and an entirely new part of the world is opened up to her. That same night, she meets Jace.
Oh Jace Wayland.
He is kind of like the bad boy version of Edward Cullen, and this is probably Twilight blasphemy here, but I think I like Jace better. Don't get me wrong, Edward is nothing short of wonderful, but he is also a little too perfect for me. Jace falls far from perfect; he can be an arrogant smart-ass, but it makes him more real. Either way, Jace or Edward, maybe boys in books are better.
One final thing, while I loved reading this series, I feel that I should also share a small warning. There is a strange plot twist that occurs and goes unresolved in book one. However, in my experience American authors tend to be a bit obvious when it comes to their foreshadowing technique, so I read through books two and three, despite this strange turn in the story. I also did do a minor search on Google for a hint at what might happen, but I would not let myself click on any actual links to read full details. Now for the spoiler (stop reading if you don't want a clue): I was pleased in the end. Now it's time for me to re-read these a little because I haven't had enough.
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